Resources for Learning about
Graduate School and Careers
in Psychology

  • "How Did I Get Here" video series

    In this APS/SSCP video series, psychological scientists in various positions describe their career path, discuss obstacles they overcome, and share what they wish they had known earlier in their career. These are the personal stories you don’t get from a CV!

  • CUDCP Resources

    The Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP) assembled resources to help you choose programs and apply to graduate school.

  • Graduate School Application Resources

    This is a list of resources for applying to graduate school in Clinical Psychology assembled by Emily Bibby while applying to Clinical PhD programs.

  • DISSECT Graduate Program Evaluation Tool

    The aim of this tool is to provide insight to assist historically excluded and/or racially marginalized students in considering important factors for selecting a graduate program.

  • Materials for Clinical Psych PhD Applications

    This is a list of resources from Mallory Dobias, B.A. who put together this information after gaining admission to a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program.

  • APA Professional Development Video

    Becoming a Psychological Scientist - Applying to Grad School

  • Career and Graduate School

    This website has a lot of information about careers and graduate school across all fields of psychology.

  • Getting Quality Research Experience

    Presentation with tips for getting quality research experience.

  • Annotated Personal Statements

    Annotated Graduate School Personal Statement Examples by Craig Rodriguez-Seijas, PhD

  • Personal Statement Examples

    Clinical Psychology Graduate School Personal Statement Examples collated by Craig Rodriguez-Seijas, PhD and Jessica Schleider, PhD