Thank you for visiting our lab website! See below for FAQs.

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to participate in a study.


Given that parents and caregivers are a key part of young children’s lives, your participation in our research is essential for improving our understanding of children’s emotional develoment.



How can I participate in a research study?

Thank you for your interest! You can contact us here.

What can I expect if I participate in a research study in your lab?

Our studies vary, but in general, parents typically complete online one-time questionnaires as well as daily questionnaires. For some studies, families visit the lab to complete various tasks. Keep in mind that we typically ask many different types of questions about your child and family - there are many complex factors that influence child emotional development, so we do our best to get a lot of information.

How will you keep my information secure?

Your name will not be linked to your study information. You will be assigned a unique study identification number (ID) and all data will be coded with your ID number instead of your name. We have a list that links your name to your ID number so that we can check the data, but this list is stored separately from your data and is password-protected. Data are collected via platforms such as REDCap, which ensures secure data collection and meets HIPAA compliance standards. All electronic data are stored on password-protected servers and all hard copy data/physiological samples are stored in a locked cabinet behind two locked lab doors. All study data and information are accessibly only by research study staff who are trained in the ethical management of data.

What health precautions are in place?

Only one family will be permitted in the lab at a time. No research staff or participant will be permitted in the lab with a fever or respiratory illness. Research staff will wash hands prior to the laboratory visit and hand sanitizer will be available. Masks will be available for use if requested.

Where do lab visits occur?

Visits occur in our lab at the University of Louisville, Belknap campus. We are located in Davidson Hall Room 317. When you are scheduled to come for a visit, we will meet you at the entrance to the building to bring you to the lab. The lab is on the 3rd floor of the building and there are both stairs and an elevator. The street address is 2010 S 1st St, Louisville, KY 40208. You will be directed to park in a lot/parking spot very close to the building, free of charge.

Will I get any information about my child after participating?

As we are only conducting assessments for research purposes, we do not provide any formal information to parents. However, parents are welcome to contact the lab director, Dr. Sara Bufferd, a clinical psychologist, if they have any questions or concerns about their child.

We are glad to address any other questions you may have, anytime.

Child & Family Mental Health Resources