Lab Director

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Dr. Sara Bufferd

Dr. Bufferd (she/her) is the Director of the Child Anxiety and Mood Lab and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Louisville. She is also the Director of Clinical Training (DCT) for the Department’s Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology. Previously, Dr. Bufferd was Assistant then Associate Professor of Psychology at California State University San Marcos from 2012-2019.

Dr. Bufferd earned her B.S. in Human Development at Cornell University in 2003. From 2003-2005, she was a research study coordinator in the Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at Columbia University. Dr. Bufferd received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Stony Brook University in 2012 under the mentorship of Dr. Daniel Klein. During graduate school, she was a recipient of a five year Graduate Council Fellowship and a three year NIMH National Research Service Award fellowship (F31 MH084444). Dr. Bufferd completed her predoctoral internship at the Yale University School of Medicine in 2011.

Along with her team, Dr Bufferd conducts research on the assessment and predictors of early-emerging psychopathology and characterizing the spectrum of normative to pathological emotional development in early childhood relevant to risk for anxiety, mood dysregulation, and other forms of psychopathology (e.g., eating disorders). You can read more about our work in the Research tab.

Dr. Bufferd’s CV


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